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Welcome to Mama Rae's online kitchen!

Hello and welcome! My name is Cassie and I am hoping to share some of our favorite recipes with you here. I am a part time nurse and a full time mom and wife. I love a lazy day, an adventure day and a cooking/baking day. I have been encouraged for years by my husband to create a cookbook or to open a food truck, so here we are starting small (kind of).

The name Mama Rae's is especially important to me because when I was growing up, my dad only ever called me by my middle name - Rae - and now that I am a mom, my husband has jokingly called me Mama Rae on more than one occasion and I fell in love with it! My mom will laugh and say that she doesn't know whose child I am because she has never enjoyed cooking but even she has started trying to make my recipes which makes me feel like I am making things that are feasible enough for everyone to try. She is also one of the people that encouraged me to start this endeavor and has tolerated the many many pictures of food that I send her almost daily. Love you mama!

Our time consists of chasing our feral toddler around whom I love more than life itself, bending to the needs of the military (my husband's job) and trying to figure out this chaotic life day by day. Cooking and baking has always been something that relaxes me and brings me a certain level of calm in the storm. My husband frequently jokes "I will never be a skinny man" because I have voluntold him to be my taste tester for life. Little does our son know that he is also a very important taste tester and I can tell it is a keeper if he eats more of it than what he feeds to the dog.

I hope that you find something here that can bring a little bit of love from my table to yours!

Also check out this awesome photo taken and edited by and at our wedding!

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