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Sourdough Discard Crackers

sourdough discard crackers

Sourdough starters can be time consuming, frustrating, difficult to keep alive but also very rewarding when it results in a beautiful product! In order to get to that beautiful product, you have to discard some of your starter before you feed it so that you aren't drowning in the sourdough goo. Some people toss their discard... DO NOT DO THAT! This recipe is one of many that I have for you to use this excess discard instead of literally throwing away all your hard work.

I usually collect my discard in a large sealed container in the fridge until full and then I make a scaled up version of this recipe so that I get lots of crackers out of it. We love using these crispy delights with just about everything - humus, charcuterie boards, in place of goldfish or cheez-its and even ground down and used as a replacement for breadcrumbs. YUM!

Ingredients for Sourdough Crackers

  • sourdough discard

  • butter

  • salt

  • optional: cheese and garlic powder

Step 1:

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Melt 2 tablespoons or 28 grams of unsalted butter in the microwave. Set aside to allow to cool.

Step 2:

Place your kitchen scale on a flat surface, turn on and place a mixing bowl onto it. Hit the zero button to discount the weight of the bowl. You will do this after each addition to avoiding having to do extra math throughout the recipe.

Step 3:

Add 200 grams of sourdough discard to the bowl and zero it again.

Step 4:

Add 1/2 teaspoon or 1 gram of salt to the bowl and zero it again.

Step 5:

At this point, add the cooled butter and any optional additions. I use 20 grams grated parmesan cheese and 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder. Mix well using a whisk until you have a smooth and even batter.

Step 6:

Line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat. Pour the batter onto the lined sheet and spread into a thin layer using a spatula. The batter should be fairly runny and easy to spread.

Step 7:

Place in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and score using a pizza cutter into sizes and shapes of your choosing. Place back into the oven and bake for 20-50 minutes until golden brown.

Step 8:

Remove from oven, allow to cool slightly, and break along scored edges. Place in food safe storage container or ziplock bag for up to 1 month.

This is a go to, almost weekly, recipe in our house and it is so easy to put together. Feel free to play with the seasonings or other additions - you really can't mess these up! Please give me a follow, leave a comment letting me know what you think and/or check out some of the other recipes posted.

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